
It was when my husband and I had popped out for a sneaky cream tea that I felt once again how unfair it was that this was a treat denied my two coeliac sons and hundreds like them...

Since two of my sons were diagnosed with coeliac disease (a life-long intolerance to gluten) almost 15 years ago, I have been striving to ensure that they do not miss out on anything good to eat, and have learnt an enormous amount along the way. For the past 8 years I have been running the Lincolnshire Group of Coeliac UK as a volunteer, and have met many people affected by the condition: people who themselves suffer, or who have worked as I do to make life easier for those who suffer, by providing tasty food suitable for those following a gluten free diet.

Now my sons are older, and I have time to share what I have learnt. I have always loved to entertain, so providing gluten free high teas seemed to be an ideal option. My kitchen is virtually 100% gluten free, and I am scrupulous about cross contamination - you certainly won't find any dodgy ingredients here!